Jean Nouvel

Aaric Vaswani
2 min readMay 5, 2021


Today, I am going to be talking about my favorite architect Jean Nouvel. Jean Nouvel is a french architect who studied at the École des Beaux-Arts. There he studied architecture.Some of his projects include;Louvre Abu Dhabi, Philharmonie de Paris and The Institute of the Arab World.

In 1965 Nouvel won the first of many prizes by winning a national competition to attend the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris which is a school for fine arts such as art, architecture and sculpting.While there, he also worked for an architectural firm formed by the architect Claude Parent. Nouvel graduated in 1972 with a degree in architecture.

He gained his first international audience in 1987 when The Institute of the Arab World was built.The main facade of the building has an exotic, minimalist arabic design which gave Nouvel the Aga Khan Award for architectural excellence and the Golden Lion Award.

In 1993,Jean Nouvel was asked to design a theatre in Paris. Nouvel loved drama and music, in fact he considered it as a career.So knowing all about drama he made sure to include all the factors and I think he did an amazing job designing a 20,000 square feet, wave inspired building.

The National Museum of Qatar features an innovative design by architect Jean Nouvel, the building is inspired by a rock named the desert rose.The museum, located in Doha, Qatar, is 430,000 square feet.The National Museum of Qatar has won two prestigious LCD Berlin Awards for 2020.

In 2008, he was asked to design One New Change.One New Change is a shopping centre located in London.This extraordinary building won Nouvel the Pritzker Prize.

The Pritzker Architecture Prize is a prize for architects who have shown incredible designs. The winners receive 100,000 dollars and a bronze medallion.The designs on the medallion are inspired by the work of architect Louis Sullivan.In 2008 Jean Nouvel won this amazing prize due to his fantastic work.

Not long ago, Nouvel was asked to design Louvre Abu Dhabi.With no hesitation and a love for Louvre Paris, he agreed to do it.He tried to blend arabic culture and modernism and I think he did an amazing job.He also tried to make the building itself a piece of the museum instead of just paintings and sculptures.

Over all,I think Jean Nouvel is an amazing architect who has shown a great example of modernism combined with culture.He has a very creative response to his work which I very much enjoy.

